Thursday, April 4, 2013

To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me

I think Ms. Weiss is trying to say you have to be perfect to get into college. I would have to say I disagree with this. Yes, you do have a better chance if your resume' looks good, but hey that is how it will be the rest of her life with anything she wants to do. I think she should have used her opportunities in all the things she listed and maybe participated in some of them. No, I do not believe colleges are looking for you to do tons of events, but it is nice to know that a future student was involved during high school. This leads the college to think you can better the college in some way. I do think many people feel this way and she is expressing for those who did not have the voice to speak. I feel she was disappointed because she was in an Ivy League school when she could have just been excited for getting in to good schools.

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