Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New Articles

Sequestration cuts will shortchange students, universities say

I believe it is very important for these cuts not to be made.  Education is a very important and money should be given to education.  It is a terrible thought to cut the funding that sends many students to college to further their education.  These students may have no other way to pay for education besides the grants they recieve.  If you cut these you are also cutting their education and affecting their future. 
K-12 student database jazzes tech startups, spooks parents

To me this is a big expense for something that is not vital to the schools.  I do not believe it is right to insert students' information into database systems to be used for research, especially if permission is not granted from the parents.  I feel this database is being used to make profit more so than it is to benefit the children.  The children should be the main focus if you are really trying to help them. 

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