Thursday, February 21, 2013

Technology Tip

The new tip I learned was that you can combine shapes on Powerpoints. The Combine Shapes command is not available on the ribbon. To access this command, it must be added to the Quick Access Toolbar. Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar… button on the Quick Access Toolbar and select More Commands. In the Choose commands from: drop down, select Commands Not in the Ribbon. Scroll down and select Combine Shapes. Click Add and OK.
I would like to learn more about how to use the SmartBoard in the classroom.  I know this can be a very helpful tool, I am just not sure how to work all of the features.

Other Tips:
Ctrl+F=find words in documents 
print screen = screen shot
Ctrl+S = Save
Ctrl+Z= undo
Ctrl+Alt+Delete = start/end programs
Ctrl+ 2 = double space
Ctrl + 1 = single space
Alt + Tab = switches between open tabs - Transfers large files up to 2G
Ctrl + C = copy
Ctrl + V= Paste
Ctrl + B = Bold
Ctrl + W = closes current tab
Ctrl + R = right aline
Ctrl + L = left aline
Ctrl + E = center
Ctrl + A = Select all
Ctrl + P = Print
Ctrl+ I = Italicize
For passwords use capital letter, number, and symbol

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